When you visit our local cigar shop's lounge, you'll instantly gain access to our full selection of tobacco products and cigars plus accessories and humidor collections. Are you interested in sampling the very latest Cucubano cigars? Maybe you're not quite sure which tobacco varietal will best suit your tastes. Whatever the case may be, our cigar shop's knowledgeable staff members are constantly standing by to lend a hand and provide some helpful suggestions. Have no doubt, you're going to love puffing on our Cuey cigars and Dujo cigars!
If you're interested in stopping by our cigar smoking lounge in the heart of Ocala, don't waste another moment; contact one of our knowledgeable representatives to hear about our current hours. We're open all week long for your convenience. You can also stop into our store to pick up any cigar accessories, tobacco products, or humidor collections you may be interested in.
Whether you’re visiting the cigar smoking lounge at Roz’s Cigar Emporium alone or with a group of friends, you’re destined to have a great time. Expect quality products and services from the staff here at Roz's Cigar Emporium. Our lounge is your go-to destination for all of your tobacco product and cigar needs.
Spending time with those you enjoy being around can be some of the most fulfilling emotions experienced throughout our lives. These memories can be heightened when you pair great company, with common interests. Our cigar shops and cigar smoking lounges are places that do just that, as we welcome all who share a passion for tobacco products and the history of where they are from.