One aspect of cigars that make them interesting is that diversity of flavors and how a variety of factors impact one's smoking experience. For instance, the shape and size of a cigar will vary depending on the brand, which can influence how quickly a cigar burns. A thinner cigar will burn faster than a cigar with a thicker ring gauge. However, the overall flavor of the cigar depends on the tobacco it is rolled with, which come in mild, medium, and full flavor ranges. Continue reading to learn more about the precise differences between cucubano, cuey, and dujo cigars.
Cucubano cigars are rolled with Nicaraguan wrappers, binders, and fillers, providing a medium to full flavor. Those who enjoy Cucubano cigars often report a spicy yet sweet scent and flavor, hinting at notes of cocoa, cinnamon, with smoky notes of wood. This type of cigar also provides a creaminess that makes for a fulfilling smoking experience.
Cuey cigars are also a medium to full flavored cigar type, and are also rolled with Nicaraguan wrappers, binders, and fillers. However, Cuey cigars are wrapped with a darker wrapper and are a thicker cigar. Cuey cigars also provide a smoky and spicy flavor profile, while also capturing an earthiness in the mix.
Rolled with Nicaraguan wrappers, binders, and fillers, Dujo cigars provide a medium flavor with a rich smoking experience. The dark wrapper tends to have a bit of an oily sheen on the wrapper, and the cigar is one of the thicker varieties. The first draw is often regarded as ultra smooth, and the flavor is described as creamy and earthy, with notes of chocolate, coffee, and a mixture of spices, including cinnamon. However, this type of cigar also provides some notes of wood and leather!
Roz's Cigar Emporium provides cucubano cigars, cuey cigars, and dujo cigars in Ocala, FL, as well as other tobacco products. For more information about cigars, or to browse our selection of cigar accessories and tobacco pipes, contact our cigar smoking lounge today!