At Roz’s Cigar Emporium we want you to enjoy your cigar to its fullest potential. Enjoying your cigar is not only the most important part of cigar smoking but the best part of smoking!
This is why we came up with a few tips on how to properly smoke your cigar.
You won’t be able to fully appreciate the flavor of your cigar if you try and smoke it quickly. Puffing away at your cigar can spoil the taste, we recommend taking a puff about every 60 seconds.
This is not how cigars are intended to be smoked, you want to be able to fully indulge in the flavor and body without inhaling.
Ensure you have a quality cigar cutter on hand when you’re ready to smoke. You will not want to cut through any wrapper. We suggest making one quick, strong cut right before the cap.
Yes, smoking your cigar somewhere that you can relax is important. Our cigar lounge is a fun, relaxing, laid back environment for you and your friends. Enjoy smoking alone? Take a step out in your own backyard and lay back with an adult beverage!
When you are done smoking your cigar for the moment, the best place to store it is in a humidor. Humidors keep cigars nice and fresh for days. There are many shapes and sizes out there and if you’re going to be investing in cigars you should look into getting one. Our humidor collections come in a variety of styles and sizes, so you can get the exact one that fits your style.
Choosing the right cigar size for your specific taste and experience is important. Many people gravitate toward small-format cigars when they’re trying a brand for the first time. A little extra thickness in a cigar’s ring gauge will cause it to burn at a cooler rate. Take your time smoking and try a traditional shape before downsizing to a ten minute cigar. Our cigar shop offers an array of sizes to satisfy your needs.
You can get woozy if you smoke too fast or on an empty stomach. Eating something, even if it is not a full meal, is better than nothing. Also, if you ever start to feel nauseous from a cigar, eat a piece of chocolate or a teaspoon of sugar from a sugar packet. Sugar neutralizes the nicotine in your system and will cause your nausea to recede.
Regardless of where you enjoy smoking or what you enjoy smoking, these tips are here to help you perfect your cigar smoking habits. If you have any questions about Cucubano Cigars, Cuey Cigars, Dujo Cigars, or any other Tobacco Products, give Roz’s Cigar Emporium a call now! Our expert team in Ocala, FL is ready to assist you with our extensive Humidor Collections, Cigar Accessories, and Tobacco Pipes.
Visit us at our Cigar Smoking Lounge or explore our selection of premium cigars and accessories at one of the best Cigar Shops in town.